Only by avoiding that position could whatsapp phone number list alternative visions and practices be articulated and expanded. One of the main challenges is to overcome the fragmentation of social-ecological transformation efforts. The current threat, the aggressive Covid-19, with its notable morbidity rate, has been an accelerator whatsapp phone number list of trends that have been showing themselves clearly. The budding economic crisis, already announced as a global recession, cannot be explained by the virus. The virus detonates it, but it whatsapp phone number list cannot distract us from the.
A indicators that showed that the whatsapp phone number list debt bubble of corporations and States had reached unsustainable levels. With high levels of debt, States, companies and families are unable to make the best savings, investment whatsapp phone number list and consumption decisions. It is estimated that, at the beginning of 2020, global debt amounted to 3.2 times world GDP. This is a historical record. In the new situation, it will tend to grow much more, with the urgent bailouts that the main central banks of the world will carry out to launch whatsapp phone number list lifeline to the economy of their countries.
The " great recession" that broke whatsapp phone number list out in 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was not addressed at its roots. The global elites preferred to avoid it, paradoxically resorting to stimulating the factors that had whatsapp phone number list provoked it: debt and unbacked currency issuance. Quantitative Easing whatsapp phone number list that is, injection of liquidity which was privileged in favor of the powerful to revive the locomotive of a financialized economy. Access to easy credit and the incestuous buyback of shares by large corporations are the factors that keep the fictional economy afloat, at the expense of what happens in the real one.