But, by working more closely with them, we can better understand the marketing investments they approve. We can create a better story about how these investments directly impact our businesses, and then take that story to the C-suite and tell it more effectively. And when we do that, it's much more likely that we can convince them to increase the marketing investments we all need and want. I think it's kind of fun that my main teachings are really about collaboration rather than technology. Melissa, Kara, and Jon talked about a few different technology topics, like machine learning and AI in marketing, but even those discussions also came down to collaboration.
Speaking of machine learning, Kara repeatedly spoke about the need to understand the data behind this technology. It's no wonder that one of his most important relationships within his organization is with his analytics team. She works closely with them to understand not only the numbers, but also the context around those numbers and what they mean for her marketing team. Harnessing newer technologies such as AI and machine learning depends on E-Commerce Photo Editing Service our ability to communicate and collaborate effectively. So it seems clear to me, at least, that collaboration is what we all need to focus on moving forward. We need to be able to communicate with our customers and the rest of the world—all those new players I mentioned earlier—as well as with our colleagues with whom we work on a daily basis. We need to learn to build relationships outside of our direct team so that we can invest in and utilize the sophisticated new technologies that we all covet.
And we need to be able to collaborate effectively so we can communicate our needs as marketers to avoid issues like burnout. The downside is that collaboration is much harder than understanding and using technology. It's softer, with softer edges, and it doesn't come with a step-by-step manual. But that's a topic I'll save for a future episode of the podcast. That's it for this week's episode of Delivering, a podcast about email marketing and beyond. Delivery is brought to you by Litmus, the industry-leading platform used by marketers around the world to send emails with confidence every time. Head over to litmus.com to start a seven-day free trial and learn how Litmus can help you create, test, and analyze better email campaigns, faster. And be sure to subscribe to Delivering on iTunes, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcasts. Cheers.