Regions through a submarine cable. This program, which continues the Last Database Europe Link to Latin America ( ella ) study that began in 2011, has enabled the EllaLink state-of-the-art submarine cable system with 6,000 km of Last Database extension, which connects the eu, from Sintra –with prior interconnection in Lisbon and Madrid– to Latin America, via Fortaleza (Brazil), with interoceanic interconnections planned with French Guiana, the island of Madeira, the Canary Islands and Cape Verde, as well as by land with other nodes such as Marseille in the European case, and Latin Americans such as São Last Database Paulo, Porto Alegre, Buenos Aires, Santiago de Chile, Bogotá and Lima.
The program Last Database is accompanied by an irrevocable right of use ( iru, for its acronym in English) for a bi-regional research and education network that will benefit from lower latency for joint projects (less than 50%), which will allow greater speed for remote work in fields that Last Database require large volumes of data, such as astronomy, high-energy and particle physics, or Earth observation. The network is made up of five European Last Database research networks – dfn (Germany), fct / fccn (Portugal), garr (Italy), RedIris (Spain) and renater (France) – and four Latin American ones..
Cedia (Ecuador), renata (Colombia ), meet (Chile) and rnp(Brazil)–, led in the first case by g éant , as a European consortium, and the Last Database Clara Network , made up of 11 Latin American national networks that link more than 2,000 educational and scientific institutions in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica , Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua and Uruguay13. It should be borne in mind that submarine communications cables are a critical Last Database infrastructure, since 97% of world communications traffic, far from being carried out by satellite or air, travels under the ocean. These cables have an important Last Database geopolitical component, since their absence can generate vulnerabilities and.